CSS Grid Series: 3 - Dev Tools

Live dev notes taken throughout the CSS Grid course by Wesbos — cssgrid.io

Tracks are considered "untouchable" because they aren't the same as elements in a html page.

But we can inspect them as we build our grid(s) - through dev tools.

  1. Ctrl + Shift + i
  2. Right click the page > Inspect element

To display the grid highlighting, select the container and toggle the grid button under the 'Rules' tab.


Above: Toggle grid viewer

To view just the grids, you can find them under the 'Layout' tab.


The reason why there are "items" shown in the list is because the base CSS file by default has display: grid on any element with class="item".

Grid Highlighting Settings

Depending on your design, it might be easier to switch the colour of the tracks to a light or dark colour.

2021-04-10_09h23_31.png Above: Colour pick your track colour

Makes it easier to pick out where to place items.


Without line numbers (left); With line numbers (right)

Add custom names to your grid areas to make it easier to pick out where to place items.

More on this later.

Show where your lines would extend in the case of implicit tracks.


With (right) and without (left) infinite lines

How to read tracks

The tracks are not numbered by the column, but rather the lines that start and stop them. So you'll always have a count of one or more than the number of columns / rows you have.

Start and stop of the explicit grid

The area which makes up the grid-gap

Defines the explicit tracks (that we specified)

i.e. grid-template-columns: 100px 200px;

Defines the implicit tracks (that we didn't specify)

i.e. did not declare grid-template-rows

Line Meanings.png

Dev tools Track viewer - track lines explained. Image by Wesbos